A key to improving at any task is frequent feedback from people whose opinions we care about: our family, friends, mentors, and the experts. However, such input is not usually ava...
This paper presents a parallel visualization pipeline implemented at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) for studying the largest earthquake simulation ever performed. The ...
With the overwhelming volume of online news available today, there is an increasing need for automatic techniques to analyze and present news to the user in a meaningful and effi...
Ramesh Nallapati, Ao Feng, Fuchun Peng, James Alla...
One of the major advances in classical planning has been the development of Graphplan. Graphplan builds a layered structure called the planning graph, and then searches this struc...
This paper reports on the design and implementation of Chianti, a change impact analysis tool for Java that is implemented in the context of the Eclipse environment. Chianti analy...
Xiaoxia Ren, Fenil Shah, Frank Tip, Barbara G. Ryd...