Secure set-intersection computation is one of important problems in secure multiparty computation with various applications. We propose a general construction for secure 2-party se...
In 1990, Boyar, Chaum, Damg˚ard and Pedersen introduced convertible undeniable signatures which limit the self-authenticating property of digital signatures but can be converted b...
The Bare Bones language is a programming language with a minimal set of operations that exhibits universal computation. We present a conceptual framework, Chemical Bare Bones, to c...
When designing product behavior, the designer often needs to communicate to experts in computer software and protocols. In present-day software engineering, formal specification m...
Jun Hu, Philip Ross, Loe M. G. Feijs, Yuechen Qian
Abstract. We present two universally composable and practical protocols by which a dealer can, verifiably and non-interactively, secret-share an integer among a set of players. Mo...