Given a pair of images represented using bag-of-visual words and a label corresponding to whether the images are “related”(must-link constraint) or “unrelated” (must not li...
We propose a novel multivariate uniformity criterion for testing uniformity of point density in an arbitrary dimensional point pattern . An unsupervised, nonparametric data cluste...
Abstract. A clustering method is presented which can be applied to relational knowledge bases. It can be used to discover interesting groupings of resources through their (semantic...
Unsupervised sequence learning is important to many applications. A learner is presented with unlabeled sequential data, and must discover sequential patterns that characterize th...
The segmentation of anatomical structures has been traditionally formulated as a perceptual grouping task, and solved through clustering and variational approaches. However, such ...
Bogdan Georgescu, Xiang Sean Zhou, Dorin Comaniciu...