In this paper we propose a novel general framework for unsupervised model adaptation. Our method is based on entropy which has been used previously as a regularizer in semi-superv...
Ariya Rastrow, Frederick Jelinek, Abhinav Sethy, B...
—The emergent role of information theory in image formation is surveyed. Unlike the subject of information-theoretic communication theory, information-theoretic imaging is far fr...
Joseph A. O'Sullivan, Richard E. Blahut, Donald L....
Recent research in robot exploration and mapping has focused on sampling environmental hotspot fields. This exploration task is formalized by Low, Dolan, and Khosla (2008) in a se...
The complexity of the mobility tracking problem in a cellular environment has been characterized under an information-theoretic framework. Shannon's entropy measure is identif...
The expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is widely used in the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) as the state-of-art statistical modeling technique. Like the classical EM method, th...
Sheeraz Memon, Margaret Lech, Namunu Chinthaka Mad...