Automatically generating Conceptual Graphs (CGs) [1] from natural language sentences is a difficult task in using CG as a semantic (knowledge) representation language for natural l...
Workflow and business process modeling approaches have become essential for designing service collaborations when developing SOA-based systems. To derive actual executable busines...
Carsten Lohmann, Joel Greenyer, Juanjuan Jiang, Ta...
Topic models are a useful tool for analyzing large text collections, but have previously been applied in only monolingual, or at most bilingual, contexts. Meanwhile, massive colle...
David M. Mimno, Hanna M. Wallach, Jason Naradowsky...
We describe a simple improvement to ngram language models where we estimate the distribution over closed-class (function) words separately from the conditional distribution of ope...
Almost all Chinese language processing tasks involve word segmentation of the language input as their first steps, thus robust and reliable segmentation techniques are always requ...