I discuss algorithms based on bistellar flips for inserting and deleting constraining (d − 1)-facets in d-dimensional constrained Delaunay triangulations (CDTs) and weighted CD...
Let be a finite, ordered alphabet, and consider a string x = x1x2 . . . xn n . A secondary index for x answers alphabet range queries of the form: Given a range [al, ar] , retu...
Abstract. Although many proposals exist for extending Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with OLAP and data warehousing capabilities (a topic denoted SOLAP), only recently the im...
Up-to-date comments are critical for the successful evolution of a software application. When modifying a function, developers may update the comment associated with the function ...
We address the problem of maintaining continuous skyline queries efficiently over dynamic objects with d dimensions. Skyline queries are an important new search capability for mult...