— Applications using TCP, such as web-browsers, ftp, and various P2P programs, dominate most of the Internet traffic today. In many cases the last-hop access links are bottlenec...
Puneet Mehra, Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Avideh Z...
Abstract-- With fast paced growth of digital data and exploding storage management costs, enterprises are looking for new ways to effectively manage their data. One such cost-effec...
Abstract. The digital library field is recently broadening its scope of applicability and it is also continuously adapting to the frequent changes occurring in the internet society...
Giuseppe Amato, Paolo Bolettieri, Franca Debole, F...
Abstract. In this paper, a new Grid security framework based on dynamic access control is introduced to address some security problem in Grid. Based on the dynamic evaluating resul...
Several researchers have pointed out and begun to demonstrate that it is now possible to digitize an entire lifetime of experiences into a pocket-sized storage device, and thus to...