Given the undeniable popularity of the Web, providing efficient and secure access to remote databases using a Web browser is crucial for the emerging cooperative information system...
Stavros Papastavrou, Panos K. Chrysanthis, George ...
: Multimedia service providers on the web need their services to be well protected and easily accessible worldwide. This has initiated several lines of research to provide semantic...
Nima Kaviani, Dragan Gasevic, Marek Hatala, David ...
Service composition aims to provide an efficient and accurate model of a service, based on which the global service oriented architecture (SOA) can be realized, allowing value add...
In this paper we propose to include two up-to-date separate concepts, namely social computing and usability metrics, in intelligent interaction agents to enhance a user-centred, ad...
In this paper, we explore the use of the web as an environment for electronic commerce. In particular, we develop a novel mechanism that creates incentives for honesty in electron...