—The Mouse Resource Browser MRB (http://bioit.fleming.gr/mrb) is an easy-to-use database for searching and retrieving mouse resource information. Currently, MRB hosts a list of 2...
Michael Zouberakis, C. Chandras, John M. Hancock, ...
Today's wireless and mobile services are typically monolithic and often centralized in nature, which limits heterogeneous service access and shared service usage. New sources...
Sasu Tarkoma, Christian Prehofer, Anna V. Zhdanova...
To enhance UDDI query capability, typically based on taxonomic classification, semantic matching is assuming a key role. Even if we recognize the great importance of semantics in ...
Current research in biomedical informatics involves analysis of multiple heterogeneous data sets. This includes patient demographics, clinical and pathology data, treatment histor...
Srivatsava Ranjit Ganta, Jyotsna Kasturi, John Gil...
The power of Web Service (WS) technology lies in the fact that it establishes a common, vendor-neutral platform for integrating distributed computing applications, in intranets as ...
Daniel Elenius, Grit Denker, David Martin, Fred Gi...