Automated photo tagging is essential to make massive unlabeled photos searchable by text search engines. Conventional image annotation approaches, though working reasonably well o...
Lei Wu, Steven C. H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, Ne...
Semantic heterogeneity of information is a major barrier of information and system interoperability. Defining ontology of data and mapping ontologies among heterogeneous informati...
Behavioral Targeting (BT) is a technique used by online advertisers to increase the effectiveness of their campaigns, and is playing an increasingly important role in the online a...
Jun Yan, Ning Liu, Gang Wang, Wen Zhang, Yun Jiang...
We live in a computer-centric information age. The number of computers in-use including in libraries is growing rapidly. Computer literacy, which is the ability to operate a compu...
Automated annotation of digital pictures has been a highly challenging problem for computer scientists since the invention of computers. The capability of annotating pictures by c...