Most systems based on separation logic consider only restricted forms of implication or non-separating conjunction, as full support for these connectives requires a non-trivial no...
Aleksandar Nanevski, Josh Berdine, Viktor Vafeiadi...
Abstract. Hoare logic is widely used for software specification and verification. Frequently we need to prove the total correctness of a program: to prove that the program not only...
This paper presents a mechanised Hoare-style programming logic framework for assembly level programs. The framework has been designed to fit on top of operational semantics of rea...
Abstract. This paper provides a Hoare-style logic for quantum computation. While the usual Hoare logic helps us to verify classical deterministic programs, our logic supports quant...
Transient faults are single-shot hardware errors caused by high energy particles from space, manufacturing defects, overheating, and other sources. Such faults can be devastating f...