PLFaultCAT is a tool for software fault tree analysis (SFTA) during product-line engineering. When linked with DECIMAL, a product-line requirements verification tool, the enhanced...
RCCS is a variant of Milner’s CCS where processes are allowed a controlled form of backtracking. It turns out that the RCCS reinterpretation of a CCS process is equivalent, in t...
Given a Euclidean graph G over a set P of n points in the plane, we are interested in verifying whether G is a Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST) of P or G differs from it in ...
Drugs and other chemical compounds are often modeled as polygonal shapes, where each vertex represents an atom of the molecule, and covalent bonds between atoms are represented by...
Yih-En Andrew Ban, Sergei Bespamyatnikh, Nabil H. ...
Abstract. We present a method based on logic program transformation, for verifying Computation Tree Logic (CTL∗ ) properties of finite state reactive systems. The finite state ...
Alberto Pettorossi, Maurizio Proietti, Valerio Sen...