Augmented Reality brings technology developed for virtual environments into the real world. This approach can be used to provide instructions for routine maintenance and error diag...
Reinhold Behringer, Steven Chen, Venkataraman Sund...
Abstract. In this paper, we introduce CityCompiler, an integrated environment for the iteration-based development of spatial interactive systems. CityCompiler visualizes interactiv...
Yasuto Nakanishi, Koji Sekiguchi, Takuro Ohmori, S...
The purpose of Project Pioneer is to develop an exploratory robot capable of creating a three-dimensional photo-realistic map of the inside of the damaged Chornobyl Nuclear Reacto...
Fitzgerald Steele Jr., Geb W. Thomas, Theodore Bla...
In the real world designers often use French curves or sweeps to create or edit curves to bring out a personal style or reflect a corporate standard in all their designs. A Frenc...
In this paper we present a system that automatically generates a 3D virtual world from a virtual institution (VI) specification, namely of activities that will take place in the v...