We analyze the properties of Small-World networks, where links are much more likely to connect “neighbor nodes” than distant nodes. In particular, our analysis provides new re...
Im Zuge der Globalisierung von Netzdiensten haben sich sehr heterogene Netzstrukturen entwickelt. Teilnetze unterschiedlicher Technologien und unterschiedlicher Verantwortlichkeit...
Consider a completely asynchronous network consisting of n parties where every two parties are connected by a private channel. An adversary At with unbounded computing power activ...
This paper presents a novel approach to skim and describe 3D videos. 3D video is an imaging technology which consists in a stream of 3D models in motion captured by a synchronized ...
Tony Tung (Kyoto University), Takashi Matsuyama (K...
We propose an approach to activity recognition based on detecting and analyzing the sequence of objects that are being manipulated by the user. In domains such as cooking, where m...