Effective communication in project teams is important, but not often taught. We explore how feedback might improve teamwork in a controlled experiment where groups interact throug...
Gilly Leshed, Jeffrey T. Hancock, Dan Cosley, Popp...
This communication deals with data reduction and regression. A set of high dimensional data (e.g., images) usually has only a few degrees of freedom with corresponding variables t...
Matthieu Brucher, Christian Heinrich, Fabrice Heit...
Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are an attractive visual formalism widely used to capture system requirements during the early design stages in domains such as telecommunication sof...
Jesper G. Henriksen, Madhavan Mukund, K. Narayan K...
As organizations become distributed across multiple sites, they are looking to technology to help support enterprisewide communication and training to distant locations. We develo...
Ellen Isaacs, Trevor Morris, Thomas K. Rodriguez, ...
Multimodal interfaces combining, e.g., natural language and graphics take advantage of both the individual strength of each communication mode and the fact that several modes can ...