Abstract. Anonymity means that the identity of the user performing a certain action is maintained secret. The protocols for ensuring anonymity often use random mechanisms which can...
There is a growing concern on anonymity and privacy on the Internet, resulting in lots of work on formalization and verification of anonymity. Especially, importance of probabilis...
Anonymity means that the identity of the user performing a certain action is maintained secret. The protocols for ensuring anonymity often use random mechanisms which can be descr...
We consider the problem of exploring an anonymous unoriented ring of size n by k identical, oblivious, asynchronous mobile robots, that are unable to communicate, yet have the abil...
Anissa Lamani, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, S&...
According to international law, anonymity of the voter is a fundamental precondition for democratic elections. In electronic voting, several aspects of voter anonymity have been id...