Snippets are used by almost every text search engine to complement ranking scheme in order to effectively handle user searches, which are inherently ambiguous and whose relevance ...
Both OWL-DL and function-free Horn rules3 are decidable logics with interesting, yet orthogonal expressive power: from the rules perspective, OWL-DL is restricted to tree-like rule...
Provenance management has become increasingly important to support scientific discovery reproducibility, result interpretation, and problem diagnosis in scientific workflow enviro...
Artem Chebotko, Xubo Fei, Cui Lin, Shiyong Lu, Far...
The emergence of Web 2.0 has resulted in a huge amount of heterogeneous data that are contributed by a large number of users, engendering new challenges for data management and qu...
In this paper, we address the task of crosslingual semantic relatedness. We introduce a method that relies on the information extracted from Wikipedia, by exploiting the interlang...