In today’s global village, it is critical that the key information tools, such as web search engines, e-Commerce portals and e-Governance, work across multiple natural languages,...
This paper presents our solution to supporting runtime migration of Web application interfaces among devices offering different interaction modalities, in particular graphic to voc...
Abstract. Increasing the number of peers in a peer-to-peer network usually increases the number of answers to a given query as well. While having more answers is nice in principle,...
Wolfgang Nejdl, Wolf Siberski, Uwe Thaden, Wolf-Ti...
Abstract. Most users of the WWW want their searches to be effective. Currently, there exists a wide variety of efficient syntactic tools that have can be used for search in the WWW...
Katia Wechsler, Jorge A. Baier, Miguel Nussbaum, R...
On the Web, there is a pervasive use of XML to give lightweight semantics to textual collections. Such documentcentric XML collections require a query language that can gracefully...
Jaap Kamps, Maarten Marx, Maarten de Rijke, Bö...