Whereas traditional Desktop Grids rely on centralized servers for data management, some recent progress has been made to enable distributed, large input data, using to peer-to-peer...
—Routing algorithms such as Distance Vector and Link States have the routing table size as ΩΩΩΩ (n), where n is the number of destination identifiers, thus providing only...
Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) provide a scalable solution for data sharing in P2P systems. To ensure high data availability, DHTs typically rely on data replication, yet without ...
— During recent years, Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) have been extensively studied by the networking community through simulation and analysis, but until recently were not adopt...
— Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based algorithms have been proposed to solve the routing issues in large-scale Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications. DHT systems create an elegant Peer-...