Current Web search tools do a good job of retrieving documents that satisfy the wide range of intentions that people associate with a query – but do not do a very good job of di...
Stereo matching algorithms conventionally match over a range of disparities sufficient to encompass all visible 3D scene points. Human vision however does not do this. It works ov...
Recently, the optimal distance measure for a given object discrimination task under the nearest neighbor framework was derived [1]. For ease of implementation and efficiency consi...
The necessary and sufficient conditions for being able to estimate scene structure, motion and camera calibration from a sequence of images are very rarely satisfied in practice. ...
Yi Ma, Stefano Soatto, Jana Kosecka, Shankar Sastr...
Abstract. The shapes of many natural and man-made objects have curved contours. The images of such contours usually do not have sufficient distinctive features to apply conventiona...