Perception based function (PBF) is given by the set of rules Ri:“If X is Ti then Y is Si”, where Ti is a linguistic term describing some fuzzy intervals Ai on the domain of re...
The software architecture is one of the most important artifacts created in the lifecycle of a software system. It enables, facilitates, hampers, or interferes directly the achiev...
: This note proposes a simple rule to determine a unique triangulation among all Delaunay triangulations of a planar point set, based on two preferred directions. We show that the ...
Defeasible logic is a system of reasoning in which rules have exceptions, and when rules conflict, the one that applies most specifically to the situation wins out. This paper repo...
We present constructive arithmetic in Deduction modulo with rewrite rules only. In natural deduction and in sequent calculus, the cut elimination theorem and the analysis of the st...