Background: With the abundant information produced by microarray technology, various approaches have been proposed to infer transcriptional regulatory networks. However, few appro...
Grace S. Shieh, Chung-Ming Chen, Ching-Yun Yu, Jui...
Background: Determining the function of uncharacterized proteins is a major challenge in the post-genomic era due to the problem's complexity and scale. Identifying a protein...
Aaron Gabow, Sonia M. Leach, William A. Baumgartne...
Background: Bioinformatics tools are commonly used for assessing potential protein allergenicity. While these methods have achieved good accuracies for highly conserved sequences,...
Shen Jean Lim, Joo Chuan Tong, Fook Tim Chew, Mart...
Background: This article provides guidelines for selecting optimal numerical solvers for biomolecular system models. Because various parameters of the same system could have drast...
We consider the problem of deterministic broadcasting in radio networks when the nodes have limited knowledge about the topology of the network. We show that for every determinist...