— A room is a simple polygon with a prespecified point, called the door, on its boundary. Search starts at the door, and must detect any intruder that may be in the room, while ...
—A room is a simple polygon with a prespecified point, called the door, on its boundary. Search may be conducted by two guards on the boundary who keep mutual visibility at all ...
We propose a new method for performing accurate background subtraction in scenes with a door, like a building entrance or a hallway. This kind of scene is common in surveillance a...
In this paper, we introduce the concepts of "cooperative buildings" and "roomware" and place them in the context of the integrated design of real, physical, res...
A room is a simple polygon with a prespecified point, called the door, on its boundary. A search starts at the door and must detect any intruder that may be in the room, while maki...
Binay K. Bhattacharya, John Z. Zhang, Qiaosheng Sh...