In order to improve the user search experience, Query Suggestion, a technique for generating alternative queries to Web users, has become an indispensable feature for commercial s...
Named entities (e.g., "Kofi Annan", "Coca-Cola", "Second World War") are ubiquitous in web pages and other types of document and often provide a simpl...
Felix Weigel, Klaus U. Schulz, Levin Brunner, Edua...
In online, dynamic environments, the services requested by consumers may not be readily served by the providers. This requires the service consumers and providers to negotiate the...
This paper presents a method for automatically annotating and retrieving animal images. Our model is a multi-modality ontology extended from our previous works in the sense that b...
The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P), developed by the W3C, provides an XML-based language for websites to encode their datacollection and data-use practices in a machine-re...