Abstract. The finite powerset construction upgrades an abstract domain by allowing for the representation of finite disjunctions of its elements. In this paper we define three g...
Roberto Bagnara, Patricia M. Hill, Enea Zaffanella
Polyhedral analysis [9] is an abstract interpretation used for automatic discovery of invariant linear inequalities among numerical varia program. Convexity of this abstract domain...
Symbolic Abstract Domain of Boxes Arie Gurfinkel and Sagar Chaki Carnegie Mellon University Abstract. Numeric abstract domains are widely used in program analyses. The simplest nu...
Abstract. Groundness analysis of logic programs using Pos-based abstract interpretation is one of the clear success stories of the last decade in the area of logic program analysis...
In static analysis, the semantics of the program is expressed as a set ions. The equations are solved iteratively over some abstract domain. If ract domain is distributive and sati...