Online social media draws heavily on active reader participation, such as voting or rating of news stories, articles, or responses to a question. This user feedback is invaluable ...
In a software product line, the binding time of a feature is the time at which one decides to include or exclude a feature from a product. Typical binding site implementations are...
We develop a novel mechanism for coordinated, distributed multiagent planning. We consider problems stated as a collection of single-agent planning problems coupled by common soft...
An agent-based tool for micro-level simulation of transport chains (TAPAS) is described. It is more powerful than traditional approaches as it is able to capture the interactions ...
Paul Davidsson, Johan Holmgren, Jan A. Persson, Li...
We demonstrate an intelligent personal assistant agent that has been developed to aid a busy knowledge worker in managing time commitments and performing tasks. The PExA agent dra...
Hung Hai Bui, Federico Cesari, Daniel Elenius, Dav...