Predicated execution has been used to reduce the number of branch mispredictions by eliminating hard-to-predict branches. However, the additional instruction overhead and addition...
Hyesoon Kim, Onur Mutlu, Jared Stark, Yale N. Patt
Wish branches, a new class of control-flow instructions, allow the hardware to dynamically decide whether or not to use predicated execution for a dynamic branch instruction. The ...
Hyesoon Kim, Onur Mutlu, Yale N. Patt, Jared Stark
Predicated Execution can be used to alleviate the costs associated with frequently mispredicted branches. This is accomplished by trading the cost of a mispredicted branch for exe...
Conventional speculative architectures use branch prediction to evaluate the most likely execution path during program execution. However, certain branches are difficult to predic...
Artur Klauser, Todd M. Austin, Dirk Grunwald, Brad...
This paper introduces a new architectural approach that supports compiler-synthesized dynamic branch predication. In compiler-synthesized dynamic branch prediction, the compiler g...
David I. August, Daniel A. Connors, John C. Gyllen...