Most modern organizations have implemented intranets for communication within the organization itself. Recently drastic changes have occurred on the supply side of the technology ...
The goal of the Globe project is to design and build a middleware platform that facilitates the development of large-scale distributed applications, such as those found on the Int...
Arno Bakker, E. Amade, Gerco Ballintijn, Ihor Kuz,...
Web-based study resources can be viewed as a basic requirement in order to remain a competitive player on a more and more globalised educational market. For that reason it is gett...
The NASA Personnel Security Processing Expert System is a tool that automatically determines the appropriate personnel background investigation required for a civil servant or con...
Preserving digital information over the long term becomes increasing important for large number of institutions. The required expertise and limited tool support discourage especial...
Stephan Strodl, Petar Petrov, Michael Greifeneder,...