Modern microprocessors can achieve high performance on linear algebra kernels but this currently requires extensive machine-speci c hand tuning. We have developed a methodology wh...
Jeff Bilmes, Krste Asanovic, Chee-Whye Chin, James...
Pervasive devices interacting in open and dynamic spaces with each others require a mechanism that allows them acting autonomously in a secure way and protecting their resources. ...
Many authorization system models include some notion of obligation. Little attention has been given to user obligations that depend on and affect authorizations. However, to be u...
Murillo Pontual, Omar Chowdhury, William H. Winsbo...
Role mining algorithms address an important access control problem: configuring a role-based access control system. Given a direct assignment of users to permissions, role mining...
Mario Frank, Andreas P. Streich, David A. Basin, J...
XACML does not natively support RBAC and even the specialized XACML profiles are not able to support many relevant constraints such as static and dynamic separation of duty. Exte...