Despite a low occurrence rate, silent data corruption represents a growing concern for storage systems designers. Throughout the storage hierarchy, from the file system down to th...
Information and Communication Technologies facilitate the emergence of new contexts and practices of learning that educational institutions have to adapt to their pedagogical disc...
TRIPLES is a web-accessible database of TRansposonInsertion Phenotypes, Localization and Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae--a relational database housing nearly half a millio...
Anuj Kumar, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Nick P. Tosches, Peter...
Abstract. We propose an approach to Distributed Information Retrieval based on the periodic and incremental centralisation of full-text indices of widely dispersed and autonomously...
Fabio Simeoni, Murat Yakici, Steve Neely, Fabio Cr...
Virtual laboratories are a potential replacement for standard laboratory facilities. Use of these virtual resources can reduce cost and maintenance overheads for teaching institut...
Charlie Wiseman, Ken Wong, Tilman Wolf, Sergey Gor...