Flat refractive geometry corresponds to a perspective camera looking through single/multiple parallel flat refractive mediums. We show that the underlying geometry of rays corres...
Amit Agrawal, Srikumar Ramalingam, Yuichi Taguchi,...
Broadcasting algorithms are important building blocks of distributed systems. In this work we investigate the typical performance of the classical and well-studied push model. Assu...
The expression 'nature of the artificial' can be understood in (at least) two distinct, yet possibly related, senses as denoting (i) the essence (or whatness) of the art...
Software distributed shared memory (DSM) improves the programmability of message-passing machines and workclusters by providing a shared memory abstract (i.e., a coherent global a...
The problem of selecting the best system from a finite set of alternatives is considered from a Bayesian decision-theoretic perspective. The framework presented is quite general,...