Given the decreasing cost of non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), by the late 1990's it will be feasible for most workstations to include a megabyte or more of NVRAM, enabling the desig...
Mary Baker, Satoshi Asami, Etienne Deprit, John K....
We describe and evaluate a strategy for declustering the parity encoding in a redundant disk array. This declustered parity organization balances cost against data reliability and...
We are currently developing Willow, a shared-memory multiprocessor whose design provides system capacity and performance capable of supporting over a thousand commercial microproc...
John K. Bennett, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Jay A. Greenwo...
A common debugging strategy involves reexecuting a program (on a given input) over and over, each time gaining more information about bugs. Such techniques can fail on message-pas...
Recent advances in software and hardware technology have made direct ray-traced volume rendering of 3-d scalar data a feasible and effective method for imaging of the data's ...
Michael F. Cohen, James S. Painter, Mihir Mehta, K...