Abstract. The Operational Transformation (OT) approach is a technique for supporting optimistic replication in collaborative and mobile systems. It allows the users to concurrently...
Showing termination of the Battle of Hercules and Hydra is a challenge. We present the battle both as a rewrite system and as an arithmetic while program, provide proofs of their t...
With the Distributed File System Replication component, DFS-R, as the central theme, we present selected protocol problems and validation methods encountered during design and deve...
This year GPSS celebrates its 40th birthday. This paper reports on the development during these 40 years, starting with the first version developed by Gordon at IBM in 1961, and t...
In this paper, we investigate the existence of modular sonar sequences of length v and mod v where v is a product of twin primes. For v = 3 · 5 = 15, we have found some old and ne...