Background: Comparison of data produced on different microarray platforms often shows surprising discordance. It is not clear whether this discrepancy is caused by noisy data or b...
Scott L. Carter, Aron C. Eklund, Brigham H. Mecham...
Background: In a previous report (La et al., Proteins, 2005), we have demonstrated that the identification of phylogenetic motifs, protein sequence fragments conserving the overal...
Background: The ESTree db represents a collection of Prunus persica expressed sequenced tags (ESTs) and is intended as a resource for peach functiona...
Barbara Lazzari, Andrea Caprera, Alberto Vecchiett...
Background: The evaluation of information retrieval techniques has traditionally relied on human judges to determine which documents are relevant to a query and which are not. Thi...
Background: In the analysis of microarray data one generally produces a vector of p-values that for each gene give the likelihood of obtaining equally strong evidence of change by...