Background: High throughput methods of the genome era produce vast amounts of data in the form of gene lists. These lists are large and difficult to interpret without advanced com...
Background: As genomes evolve after speciation, gene content, coding sequence, gene expression, and splicing all diverge with time from ancestors with close relatives. A minimum e...
Roald Rossnes, Ingvar Eidhammer, David A. Liberles
Background: The 'lid' subcomplex of the 26S proteasome and the COP9 signalosome (CSN complex) share a common architecture consisting of six subunits harbouring a so-call...
Background: As the use of microarray technology becomes more prevalent it is not unusual to find several laboratories employing the same microarray technology to identify genes re...
Background: Recognition of microbial pathogens by plants triggers the hypersensitive reaction, a common form of programmed cell death in plants. These dying cells generate signals...