: Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally. WHO projects that by the year 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese...
Research has shown that tumor vascular markers (TVMs) may serve as potential OCa biomarkers for prognosis prediction. One such TVM is ESM-1, which can be visualized by staining ova...
Andrew Janowczyk, Sharat Chandran, Rajendra Singh,...
This paper investigate security of graphical authentication tokens against educated guess attacks. Results of two user studies indicate that, if we use original photos as authenti...
This paper addresses the problem of selecting the `optimal' variable subset in a logistic regression model for a medium-sized data set. As a case study, we take the British En...
Abstract. A strategy-tree provides a systematic approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of deployed policy sets and a mechanism to dynamically alter policy sets (i.e., alt...