Because an agent’s resources dictate what actions it can possibly take, it should plan which resources it holds over time carefully, considering its inherent limitations (such a...
We present an incarnation of the Enterprise Physics vision sketched in [3] that provides automatic or semi-automatic support for evolution and change management in heterogeneous le...
Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen, Christian Kubc...
Given a network G = (V, E), we say that a subset of vertices S ⊆ V has radius r if it is spanned by a tree of depth at most r. We are interested in determining whether G has a cu...
Social networks and collaborative tagging systems are rapidly gaining popularity as a primary means for storing and sharing data among friends, family, colleagues, or perfect stra...
Ralitsa Angelova, Marek Lipczak, Evangelos E. Mili...
■ Distraction and reappraisal are two commonly used forms of cognitive emotion regulation. Functional neuroimaging studies have shown that each one depends upon interactions bet...
Kateri McRae, Brent Hughes, Sita Chopra, John D. E...