There have been several research works that analyze and optimize programs using temporal logic. However, no evaluation of optimization time or execution time of these implementati...
d abstract) David de Frutos Escrig1 ,3 Departamento de Sistemas Inform´aticos y Computaci´on Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid, Spain Carlos Gregorio Rodr´ıguez2 ,4 Depa...
David de Frutos-Escrig, Carlos Gregorio-Rodr&iacut...
Substitution plays an important role in Hoare Logic, as it is used in interpreting assignments. When writing a computer-based realization of Hoare Logic, it is therefore important...
A program analysis is compositional when the analysis result for a particular program fragment is obtained solely from the results for its immediate subfragments via some composit...
In the quest for an elegant formulation of the notion of "polycategory" we develop a more symmetric counterpart to Burroni's notion of "T-category", where ...