This paper describes a scalable parallel marking technique for garbage collection that does not employ any synchronization operation. To achieve good scalability, two major design...
Managed runtime environments (MREs) employ garbage collection (GC) for automatic memory management. However, GC induces pressure on the virtual memory (VM) manager, since it may t...
Chris Grzegorczyk, Sunil Soman, Chandra Krintz, Ri...
Given the major advantages of productivity and safety, the use of garbage collection (GC) in real-time systems has gained increasing attention. Guaranteeing garbage collection act...
We determine lower and upper bounds for the size of a hyperplane of the dual polar space DW(5, q). In some cases, we also determine all hyperplanes attaining these bounds.
Let H be a multigraph and G a graph containing a subgraph isomorphic to a subdivision of H, with S ⊂ V (G) (the ground set) the image of V (H) under the isomorphism. We consider...