Recent advances in low-power sensing devices coupled with the widespread availability of wireless ad-hoc networks have fueled the development of sensor networks. These are typical...
Amir Soheili, Vana Kalogeraki, Dimitrios Gunopulos
The R*-tree, as a state-of-the-art spatial index, has already found its way into commercial systems like Oracle. In this paper, we aim at improving query performance of the R*tree...
When integrating geo-spatial datasets, a join algorithm is used for finding sets of corresponding objects (i.e., objects that represent the same real-world entity). Algorithms for...
Group nearest neighbor (GNN) queries are a relatively new type of operations in spatial database applications. Different from a traditional kNN query which specifies a single quer...
Several application contexts require the ability to use together and compare different geographic datasets (maps) concerning the same or overlapping areas. This is for example the...
Alberto Belussi, Barbara Catania, Paola Podest&agr...