Despite their numerous applications, efficiently rendering participating media remains a challenging task due to the intricacy of the radiative transport equation. While numerical...
Vincent Pegoraro, Mathias Schott, Steven G. Parker
Traditional text input modalities, namely keyboards, are often not appropriate for use when standing in front of very large wall displays. Direct interaction techniques, such as h...
Exercise video games combine entertainment and physical movement in an effort to encourage people to be more physically active. Multiplayer exercise games take advantage of the mo...
Tadeusz Stach, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Jeffrey Yim,...
We present an approach to convert a small portion of a light field with extracted depth information into a cinematic effect with simulated, smooth camera motion that exhibits a se...
Ke Colin Zheng, Alex Colburn, Aseem Agarwala, Mane...
Haptic icons are brief, meaningful tactile or force stimuli designed to support the communication of information through the often-underutilized haptic modality. Challenges to pro...
Bradley A. Swerdfeger, Jennifer Fernquist, Thomas ...