Criminal identity matching is crucial to crime investigation in law enforcement agencies. Existing techniques match identities that refer to the same individuals based on simple i...
Digital games have the ability to engage both children and adults alike. We are exploring the use of games for children with long term treatment regimes, where motivation for comp...
Carolyn R. Watters, Michael A. Shepherd, Azza Abou...
The purpose of this study is to address questions on how collectivistic and individualistic cultures affect majority influence in a group decision making task when there are diffe...
Agarwal and Karahanna (2000) suggested that holistic user experiences with IT contribute to users’ evaluation of and reaction to using the technology. They proposed and empirica...
Users increasingly expect access to Web data from a wide range of devices, both wired and wireless. The goal of our research is to inform the design of applications that support d...