Dependences among loads and stores whose addresses are unknown hinder the extraction of instruction level parallelism during the execution of a sequential program. Such ambiguous ...
Sridhar Gopal, T. N. Vijaykumar, James E. Smith, G...
We propose and evaluate two complementary techniques to protect and virtualize a tightly-coupled network interface in a multicomputer. The techniques allow efficient, direct appli...
Kenneth Mackenzie, John Kubiatowicz, Matthew Frank...
The frequency of accesses to remote data is a key factor affecting the performance of all Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) systems. Remote data caching is one of the most effective...
Scalable shared-memory multiprocessors that are designed as Cache-Only Memory Architectures Coma allow automatic replication and migration of data in the main memory. This enhance...
The explosive growth in the performance of microprocessors and networks has created a new opportunity to reduce the latency of fine-grain communication. Microprocessor clock speed...