Abstract. Sponge functions were introduced by Bertoni et al. as an alternative to the classical MerkleDamg˚ard design. Many hash function submissions to the SHA-3 competition laun...
In the area of privacy-preserving data mining, a differentially private mechanism intuitively encourages people to share their data truthfully because they are at little risk of ...
Abstract. The prospect of outsourcing an increasing amount of data storage and management to cloud services raises many new privacy concerns for individuals and businesses alike. T...
Kristin Lauter, Michael Naehrig, Vinod Vaikuntanat...
With the gaining popularity of remote storage (e.g. in the Cloud), we consider the setting where a small, protected local machine wishes to access data on a large, untrusted remot...
Abstract. Tampering attacks are cryptanalytic attacks on the implementation of cryptographic algorithms (e.g., smart cards), where an adversary introduces faults with the hope that...
Sebastian Faust, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Daniele Ventu...