The extraction of local tempo and beat information from audio recordings constitutes a challenging task, particularly for music that reveals significant tempo variations. Further...
Interruptions occur frequently in spontaneous conversations, and they are often associated with changes in the flow of conversation. Predicting interruption is essential in the d...
Super-directional loudspeaker arrays can be used to achieve high directivity in a limited low-frequency range. As opposed to microphone arrays, the distance between the loudspeake...
Mihailo Kolundzija, Christof Faller, Martin Vetter...
We describe experiments in visual-only language identification (VLID), in which only lip shape, appearance and motion are used to determine the language of a spoken utterance. In...
Signal Sequence Labeling consists in predicting a sequence of labels given an observed sequence of samples. A naive way is to filter the signal in order to reduce the noise and t...