Statistics play a key role in influencing the quality of plans chosen by a database query optimizer. In this paper, we identify the statistics that are essential for an optimizer....
In contrast to specialized video servers, advanced multimedia applications for tele-shopping, tele-teaching and news-on-demand exhibit a mixed workload with massive access to conv...
This paper introduces the concept of letting an RDBMS Optimizer optimize its own environment. In our project, we have used the DB2 Optimizer to tackle the index selection problem,...
Gary Valentin, Michael Zuliani, Daniel C. Zilio, G...
XML is here as the internet standard for information exchange among e-businesses and applications. With its dramatic adoption and its ability to model structured, unstructured and...
In this paper, we study power conservation techniques for multi-attribute queries on wireless data broadcast channels. Indexing data on broadcast channels can improve client filte...