Abstract-- The use of atomic commit protocols in mobile adhoc networks involves difficulties in setting up reasonable timeouts for aborting a pending distributed transaction. This ...
George Samaras, Martin Hett, Panos K. Chrysanthis,...
Mining time series data is an important approach for the analysis in many application areas as diverse as biology, environmental research, medicine, or stock chart analysis. As nea...
Alexey Pryakhin, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Johannes A&sz...
Abstract- Given a dynamic corpus whose content and attention are changing on a daily basis, is it possible to collect and maintain the high-quality resources with a minimal investm...
Ravi Kumar, Kevin Lang, Cameron Marlow, Andrew Tom...
This paper describes Orchid, a system that converts declarative mapping specifications into data flow specifications s) and vice versa. Orchid provides an abstract operator model t...
Abstract-- Despite its promise, RFID technology presents numerous challenges, including incomplete data, lack of location and containment information, and very high volumes. In thi...
Richard Cocci, Thanh Tran 0002, Yanlei Diao, Prash...