The elastic net and related algorithms, such as generative topographic mapping, are key methods for discretized dimension-reduction problems. At their heart are priors that specify...
Recently, there has been a considerable research activity in extending topographic maps of vectorial data to more general data structures, such as sequences or trees. However, the ...
We analyze skewing, an approach that has been empirically observed to enable greedy decision tree learners to learn "difficult" Boolean functions, such as parity, in the...
Bernard Rosell, Lisa Hellerstein, Soumya Ray, Davi...
Unlike fixed-pitch instruments such as the piano, human singing can stray from a target pitch by as much as a semitone while still being perceived as a single fixed note. This p...
We show how to give a coherent semantics to programs that are well-specified in a version of separation logic for a language with higher types: idealized algol extended with heap...