Fix a finite set of points in Euclidean n-space En , thought of as a point-cloud sampling of a certain domain D En . The VietorisRips complex is a combinatorial simplicial complex...
Erin W. Chambers, Vin de Silva, Jeff Erickson, Rob...
In previous works, Juba and Sudan [6] and Goldreich, Juba and Sudan [4] considered the idea of "semantic communication", wherein two players, a user and a server, attemp...
Inspired by the properties of the refinement development of the Mondex Electronic Purse, we view an isolated atomic action as a family of transitions with a common before-state, an...
Abstract. Complex biological systems involve incorporated behaviors of numerous processes, mechanisms and objects. However, experimental analysis, by its nature, divides biological...
The mwetoolkit is a tool for automatic extraction of Multiword Expressions (MWEs) from monolingual corpora. It both generates and validates MWE candidates. The generation is based...
Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio, Christian Boi...