Abstract. Cryptographic protocols are often designed and analyzed under some trusted set-up assumptions, namely in settings where the participants have access to global information...
Ran Canetti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Rafael Pass, Shabsi W...
Assume that two distant parties, Alice and Bob, as well as an adversary, Eve, have access to (quantum) systems prepared jointly according to a tripartite state ρABE. In addition, ...
Matthias Christandl, Artur Ekert, Michal Horodecki...
Private approximation of search problems deals with finding approximate solutions to search problems while disclosing as little information as possible. The focus of this work is ...
Sound ontologies need to incorporate source unidentifiable sounds in an adequate and consistent manner. Computational lexical resources like WordNet have either inserted these des...
Many state-of-the-art statistical parsers for English can be viewed as Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars (PCFGs) acquired from treebanks consisting of phrase-structure trees enri...